The heart of psychotherapy is listening. We all long to be heard deeply with compassion and understanding, which makes it possible to connect with those internal places that can animate, torment and inspire us. We all need to know that our internal reality is held with respect and compassion, regardless of what it consists of, and that what is said to us will be grounded in truthfulness and caring. Although there are many tools that make psychotherapy more focused, insightful and effective,at root they are all forms of listening, compassionate acceptance, and honest loving communication. Being heard by another allows us to listen inwardly to ourselves,and to journey toward the inner sources of healing that are part of our birthright as human beings. To set aside the jangled noise that is part of stressful outward life, and to find the silence that allows deeper hearing, and finally to see clearly how to take health enhancing action on one’s own behalf, this is the core of psychotherapy.
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